Halloween DIY: Spookify Your Front Door!

It’s DIY time! I don’t know about you, but I love to decorate for the fall and the last few years have really been loving doing a little extra decoration for Halloween, too!

This year I decided to do something different and add a little Halloween flair to our front door with VersaChalk markers! These chalk markers are super juicy and smooth and perfect for lettering on a smooth surface like glass. We have a glass storm door that was perfect for this project, but this would be equally fun on a window!


I did the writing on the inside of my door because our porch isn’t covered and we have rain in the forecast this week. If you have a covered porch it would be easier to do it on the outside of the door so that you’re not doing the writing backwards! The beauty of chalk markers is that they are easy to clean off - but that also means that if your writing gets rained on, it could get messed up.

To get the design on the door, I lettered out “Happy Halloween” on my iPad and then flipped it in Photoshop. Then I taped it to the outside of my door and traced on the inside. This made it much easier to write backwards than if I was free handing it. My print out didn’t line up perfectly but that was okay! I also doodled the spiderwebs in the corners as a cute accent.


Want to try it yourself?

Use my printables! Just print these out to scale for the area you want to letter on and trace!

Need chalk markers?

Enter my giveaway to win VersaChalk markers for yourself!

Disclaimer: I received these markers from VersaChalk for free.

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